Monday, February 27, 2012

repeat characters rock...

There is something to be said for a series of books with the same characters.  I love the feeling of "knowing" the people in the books because I have been following along with them for so long.

This is true of the book "Gun Games" by Faye Kellerman.  It follows Peter and Rina and Gabe, the 15 year old prodigy they have taken in.

There is a suicide at a very prestigious school, where the victim apparently shot himself in the head.

The story follows Gabe as he falls in love with a girl and the ramifications of that as they keep their relationship a secret from Yasmine's parents.

I really enjoy all of Faye Kellerman's books, especially ones that follow Peter and Rina.

Love, love, love...

Thursday, February 23, 2012

memories are hard, lack of memories harder...

This book, "The Memory Palace" by Mira Bartok was so, so good.  This a memoir, a wonderfully written, yet heartbreaking way for Mira to show her mother that in order to keep on loving her, she had to abandon her.

Mira and her sister both decided that in order to break away from their schizophrenic mother, they had to change their names and move away with no forwarding address.  Mira does keep a post office box where her mother writes letters and Mira keeps in contact when she can.

There is so much to love about this book.   Read it...and then tell me what you think!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

another day, another book...

This last book, "Light From a Distant Star", by Mary McGarry Morris took me a bit longer to get through than others.  It isn't that I didn't like it, because I liked it just fine, but I was kind of bored by the story.

Nellie, the main character, is a 13-year-old girl who witnesses something, but doesn't quite realize exactly the depth of what she has seen, and in telling her parents she hopes to get to the bottom of it, but no one will listen to her or believe her.

There are characters in the story that to me have no relevance to story at all, like Bucky and Jessica, who just have more problems then Nellie, and maybe are there to show us that.

All in all, I probably would not recommend this book.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

a little magic, maybe...

I just finished reading, "The Book of Tomorrow" by Cecelia Ahern.

The story revolves around a teenage girl named Tamara.  She and her mother are forced to leave their life of luxury after they find out her dad lost all their money and they move to the country to live with Tamara's aunt and uncle after her father commits suicide.  Her mother is in a kind of depression, not talking, and this leave Tamara on her own most of the time.

Tamara is given a locked diary.  She finds someone who unlocks it and she wakes up one morning to write in the diary but when she opens it, the diary already has an entry, dated for the next day.  Everything written there comes true and Tamara is forced to decide after each entry whether or not to change the course of her actions or let fate take over.

I liked the book, but it was not one of my favorites.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

fun and easy...

I just finished reading, "Why My Third Husband Will be a Dog" by Lisa Scottoline.  It is a collection of small stories about the life of the author. There is lots of humor about her family...mother Mary, brother Frank and daughter Francesca, who also contributes with a few stories of her own as well.

Lisa talks about her love of her dogs, her two divorces, and other issues that will have you laughing out loud for sure!

If you want an easy, funny read, pick this up and read away...